
Gun Rack & Gold Pan

These are the front feet of the first deer I killed. They have been used for seventeen years to hold guns, crossbows, walking canes, and cable cords on my grandfather's chimney. I remember him suggesting that we do this soon after I killed the deer. But I do not remember who cut them off.

My grandfather mounted them on plaques that he received in the 1970's for being the judge to hairstyling competitions in Kentucky and South Carolina.

This is a gold pan that my grandfather had hanging in his house for many years when I was young. One day, at least ten years ago, he brought it to me with a large burn above the mountains. He told me that the hanging device had fallen off the back and that he tried to weld a new one on but the heat burned the paint. He then asked me, because I am an artist, if I would fix it. I never did, I never gave it back, I have kept it in storage all of this time.

You cannot turn in an unfinished project.